On September 21, 2014, The Fattoria dell’Orto degli Ulivi in collaboration with “I menestrelli del gusto e della poesia” (Association of Minstrels of Poetry & Good Taste), are hosting a National Poetry Competition.
Schedule as follows
- Ore 10.00: Agriculture and Poetry: open-air farmers market with regional agricultural products for sale
- Ore 12.00: Presentation “Perceiving the heart through the hands” by the Reiki Teacher, Maria Basile
- Ore 14.00: Presentation by ARCA Association (Research of Cardiac Arrhythmia) and a practical demonstration of CPR by Croce Azzurra (Blue Cross) volunteers
- Ore 14.00: Green Workshops for children with the teacher Elena Torrini
- Ore 15.00: Truffle mushroom demonstration by the Tuscan Association of Truffles (Associazione Toscana Tartufi)
- Ore 15.30: Lezione aperta di YOGA: Open level YOGA lesson: yoga flow with the breath surrounded by nature, taught by Serena Falchetti, Namastè Yoga Center
- Ore 16.00: Whirling dance in the barn: Led by Cristina Fiorini from “51% danza” Dance School. Bagno sonoro Sound Healing: gongs, singing bowls, overtone singing and archaic sounds by Massimo Fabbrucci and Yasha Elisa.
- Ore 17.30: Presentation from Judith Massai, the President of The “I menestrelli del gusto e della poesia” (Association of Minstrels of Poetry & Good Taste), and the farm hosts, Antonio and Lara. Poetry reading and awards ceremony for poetry contestants.
- Ore 19.30: Cena del poeta con prodotti biologicamente biodinamici. Solo per gli associati.
Per partecipare alla cena sarà necessario prenotarsi con almeno una settimana di anticipo, telefonando al Presidente Giuditta Massai al 340.5352298/339.16666110.
Special guest of the day:
Lucia Comnes – American singer-songwriter and poet from San Francisco (California)
Silvestro D’andrea – Tuscan Chef and Sculptor, famous for his burlesque sculptures created by carving and combining fruit and vegetables. Using tomatoes, pumpkins and zucchini Sylvester produces unique and beautiful sculptures to be put on the table or garnish a dish. He is the son of 2 chefs and this is a family passion. Since childhood he spent many hours in the kitchen and with vegetable. «“I was curious about their forms – he says – “which are very evocative. I always liked to animate fruits and vegetables: observe a tomato and watch him smile, complete with eyes, mouth and hair.”».
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